Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Whisper of Hope

When the heat hits me I go quiet. I can feel perspiration building on my forehead. Somehow out of the fifteen landrovers that Mercy Ships owned we managed to get the one that doesnt have airconditioning...I am not complaining though as I feel so grateful that we actually have cars we can use to have some time off and away from the ship. As we drive through the chaotic marketplace and traffic we constantly here the whisper "Mercy Ships" from the crowds. As we pass by a woman selling produce from the bowl carried upon her head, her face softens and she gives me a smile and the thumbs up.

When we come to a standstill (which is often) we are often approached...."Please I have this lump here on my hand, can you help me?". Sometimes we take photographs, names and numbers and other times we sadly have to respond that we cannot help with their medical condition. We screened at the beginning of the year but the people continue to come to our Port gate with hope that we can bring healing. Only by God's grace is this possible.

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