Monday, January 24, 2011

Sierra Leone 2011

At present I find myself in Texas completing a four week course with Mercy Ships. Their main base is here and this is where the ships administration is run from. There are many reasons I am here and one of them is because I am now considered a longterm crew member of Mercy Ships and it is necessary to complete certain safety certificates required when you live onboard a ship. We are also spending some time in classes learning more about Worldview, Faith Foundations and Godly Principles to live by which are all so essential for living in a confined space and pressurised conditions in Africa. I am feeling so much more equipped and prepared to return to West Africa.

This year the Ship will be in Sierra Leone, the third poorest country in the world. Ten years ago Sierra Leone faced the cruelty's of war which ravaged the beautiful country leaving the people there wounded in more ways than just the physical.
I will in Sierra Leone from the beginning of February working with a Mercy Ships team preparing for the ship's arrival. The Africa Mercy will sail in near the end of February from South Africa. It has been sitting in dry dock for the last six months in Durban having repairs and new generators fitted by hardworking engineers. This year I will be part of the big screening of all the patients that will take place the beginning of March. I will be onboard for eight months working in the Operating Theatres.

Below is a short clip of just some of the Transformed Lives from 2010 Outreach.

There will be further updates to follow, Thankyou for taking the time to read this:)